Kenali Kami

- Badan Kebajikan Guru dan Staf SKTT
- Kuala Ketil, Kedah, Malaysia
- Guru-guru dan kakitangan Sekolah Kebangsaan Teloi Timur, 09300, Kuala Ketil Kedah.
Pengerusi : Mohammad Pisol bin Aziz
Naib Pengerusi : Za'im bin Omar
Setiausaha : Azrin bin Abdullah
Penolong Setiausaha : Mohd Nabil bin Othman
Bendahari : Sharifudin bin Ismail
Yahaya bin Ismail
Ahmad Rashidi bin Jalil
Roslan bin Md. Ali
Nirmala a/p Sivanadam
Zunaidah binti Husain
Syafinah binti Mohd Saad
Azizah binti Mansor
Pemeriksa Kira-kira
Rohani binti Mat Saleh
Fauziah binti Saad
Sabtu, Jun 21, 2008
A man called Maha owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.
He has 5 workers to operate the farm.
Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally.
The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40.
He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.
He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit.
Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save.
When Maha passed away and there is a new landlord, Abdul comes to continue the farm operation.
He says to the workers:" We need to improve the farm quality and redefine our way of thinking.From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat. It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm."
The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily.
Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to RM1.00 per person.
As usual, Abdul sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40.
He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers.
He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers.
In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.
Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each.
The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily.
Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Samy.
Samy says:"Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik."
So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50.
In actual, the improvement only cost RM30.
The remaining RM20, Abdul and Samy share evenly among themselves.
Let's calculate how much Abdul gets daily:
RM10 (from farm improvement cost)
RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] - [Improvement cost, RM50] - [Wages RM10] = RM20)
RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)
In total, Abdul gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes over the farm from Maha.
His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per person.
The greedy Abdul does not want to stop there.
One day, he says to his fellow workers:" You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1. See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00. This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue like this. In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bear the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all. "
So, greedy Abdul adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.
After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning of "SUBSIDY" given by the government.
The RM95 subsidy never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously "given" by the government
Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket.
MR E - macam pernah dengar saja cerita ni....
Luahan Hati Lelaki yang dibenarkan berkahwin sorang lagi
Tak tahulah kalau isteri I tu main reverse psikologi dengan I. Tapi lepas I berfikir panjang, rasa-rasanya tak nak lah. Sebab apa ? Bila mengenangkan umur I yang dah 40+. Let's say kalau I kahwin dengan anak dara, katakan umur 22 tahun. Memang lah seronok beb. Seronok benda yang kat dalam seluar dalam tu aje lah. Tentang makan minum, pakai I, kemas rumah dan kegemaran I, rasa nya I tentu asyik teringatkan my first wife. Tak perlu nak ajar, I suka makan apa, cam mana cara nak masaknya, baju I kena gosok cam gini, kalau I bangun tidur I suka kalau my wife dah siapkan segala gala nya lah. Tak perlu I bagitau, dia dah tahu apa I suka.
Cerita apa I suka kat TV, teh atau kopi manis macam mana, hobi apa, sukan kegemaran ... semua dia dah tahu.
Tak perlu start balik macam zaman umur 20-an dulu ...
Rasa rasa dapat ke isteri muda I suruh buat gitu, tentu dia banyak ragam. Ye lah dia muda, I kan dah tua. Mesti dia kata I ni mengada-ngada. Sure I yang kena manjakan dia lebihlah, sebab dia muda. Silap haribulan, takut lari lak, kan...
Isteri muda ni bukan macam yang dah bersama dgn kita sejak muda. Kalau kita rasa isteri tua banyak belanja, isteri yang muda pasti lagi teruk. Eh, budak 20-an zaman sekarang, dengan henbeg Gucci, dengan nak
tudung kain Mawi dan henpon jenama Nokia N95, Itu tak termasuk kereta, paling korok pun mesti nak Honda atau Toyota. Perempuan muda sekarang mana main naik Proton atau Perodua. Kalau I tak bagi barang-barang tu, dia tak nak bagi 'barang' dia lak malam-malam. Sedangkan dengan isteri tua, awal-awal kahwin naik motorsikal cabuk pun sanggup, berpanas berhujan, dukung anak kita dicelah motor tu. Ahh ... terkenang juga zaman 'miskin' dulu tu.
Rumah dengan bini tua dulu pun setakat apartmet 3 bilik. Tidur atas tilam nipis, dapur pun kecik, perkakas pun tak banyak. Oh, untuk isteri muda, terpaksa aku buat OT untuk bayar rumah teres dua tingkat tu, nak bayar peti ais Samsung dan TV Sony Bravia 40-inci mu itu ... Dah umur 40-an ni, darah tinggi lak aku ni kena buat OT
setiap hari ... hari minggu pun kena cari duit ... nak tengok bola pun tak dapat ...
Lebih haru lagi, tentu anak anak I akan memberontak sakan. Yelah sekarang ni kan banyak kes bapak kahwin lain anak-anak lebih tertekan. Ramai jadi liar, hisap dadah, jadi mat rempit dan bohsia. Sebab tension bapak kawin baru. Takut mereka menjauhkan diri dari I, malah akan membenci pula. Disebabkan masyarakat kita ni memandang serong pada keluarga yang bapak mereka kahwin lebih dari satu. Kalau I ada anak dengan isteri baru, tentu kecik sangat lagi di masa I dah tua dan memerlukan perhatian dari anak-anak. Sedangkan rumah isteri muda tengah hiruk pikuk dengan anak anak kecil (kan dah ada experience dengan isteri pertama bagaimana kelam kabutnya dia menguruskan anak-anak)
Sedangkan di rumah isteri tua, anak anak dah besar, boleh tolong mak dan sedang seronok bergurau senda bersama ibunya membincangkan topik-topik terkini dan juga kehidupan mereka. Duduk rumah bini muda, I yang tua-tua ni lak kena salin pampers dan bagi baby mandi. haha ... kalau tak buat, takut isteri muda merajuk pulak.
Tak boleh jadik nih. Banyak benda yang kena repeat. Mula mula kawin tentu seronok. Paling lama setahun-dua. Bila dah ada anak,tanggungjawab baru bermula semula sebagaimana dengan isteri pertama dulu-dulu.Tapi masa ni kita dah tak larat nak basuh berak anak, nak pegi shopping beli baju anak anak, nak dukung anak-anak. Leceh lah nak kena teman isteri muda buat semua tu. Silap haribulan orang kata tengah pilih baju cucu. Eii tak sanggup pula. Paling takut, orang ingat isteri muda tu anak I ... .. lagi haru ...
Balik rumah mertua pula, teringatkan masa akad nikah dulu, beria ria kita nakkan anak dia.Lepas tu kita kawin lagi satu. Tentu muka nih tak tahu nak letak kat mana. Orang tua takkan nak straight to the point. Tanya itu
ini. Kalau dia nak bercakap tentang tu cukup dengan jelingan dan kerlingan mata,buat kita dah tak senang duduk. Takkan raya asyik balik umah mak mertua baru aje. Apatah lagi kalau I ni lak umur nak sama dengan mak-bapak mertua baru I tu ....
Hish banyak lah lagi. Bagi korang yang suka berbincang pasal benda yang indah indah kawin dua nih silakanlah. Tapi bagi I selagi hayat dikandung badan, selagi tu lah I tak nak tambah. Tak nak lah mendabik dada. Cakap besar. Tapi sekadar menurutkan nafsu dan benda dalam seluar tu rasanya tak pernah kurang pun layanan isteri pertama terhadap I.
Keluarga ni, kita bina keluarga bahagia yang di depan mata. Bukannya yang di dalam kepala. Bukannya di dalam seluar dalam je. Hadapi hari esok yang tentu dengan keluarga yang banyak mengharungi susah senang dari mula. Pengorbanan isteri (walaupun kadang kala dia pernah merungut salah kita juga, cuai dan mengabaikannya) .
Apa apa pun semuanya bermula dengan kita. Insaflah.
Kalau nak ikut nabi, rasa rasanya solat subuh pun kita terlepas kalau isteri tu tak kejutkan. Bukan nak kata solat Subuh, kekadang waktu lain pun terlambat atau terlepas. Baca Quran pun sekali-sekala, baca Yassin pun hanya bila ada orang meninggal. Ikut sunnah Nabi apa nama tu. Tak payah lah yang lain lain. Kang ada yang nangis bila disebutkan. Cukuplah. Apa sangatlah kita nih. Macam nabi konon. ye ke? Bab kawin kawin aje nih cam nabi. Bab menegakkan benda dalam seluar dalam je nak ikut sunnah. Cuba bab menegakkan agama Islam, masih lagi terkial kial.
MR E - ntah sapa ntah yg hantar email ni...forward sajalah!!!
1. Syirik
2. Membunuh Manusia
3. Sihir
4. Tinggal Sembahyang
5. Tidak Mengeluarkan Zakat
6. Tidak Berpuasa
7. Tidak Mengerjakan Haji Walaupun Berkemampuan
8. Derhaka Kepada Ibu Bapa
9. Memutuskan Silatulraham
12.Memakan Riba
13.Memakan Harta Anak Yatim
14.Mendustakan Allah S.W.T dan Rasul
15.Lari dari Medan Perang
17.Saksi Palsu
18.Meminum Arak
19.Pemimpin Yang Penipu dan Kejam
21.Menuduh orang baik melakukan Zina
22.Menipu harta rampasan Perang
25.Sumpah Palsu
26.Berlaku Zalim
27.Pemungut cukai yang Zalim
28.Makan dari kekayaan yang Haram
29.Bunuh Diri
31.Hakim yang Tidak adil
33.Wanita yang menyerupai Lelaki
34.Tidak Cemburu
35.Cina Buta
36.Tidak Suci Hadas kecil
37.RIAK Mempamerkan Diri
38.Ulamak Dunia (jahat)
40.Mengungkit-Ungkit Pemberian
41.Mangingkari Takdir
42.Mencari Kesalahan Orang lain
43.Menabur Fitnah
44.Mengutuk Umat Islam
45.Mengingkari Janji
46.Percaya Kepada Sihir dan Nujum
47.Derhaka kepada Suami
48.Gambar pada Baju
49.Menamparkan pipi dan meratap jika terkena bala
50.Menggangu Orang lain
51.Berbuat Zalim terhadap yg lemah
52.Menggangu Tetangga
53.Menyakiti dan Memaki Orang Islam
54.Derhaka kepada Hamba Allah S.W.T dan menggangap dirinya baik
55.Melabuhkan Pakaian
56.Lelaki yang memakai Sutera dan Emas
57.Hamba Lari dari Tuan
58.Sembelihan Untuk Selain Dari Allah S.W.T
59.Menjadi Pak Sanggup
60.Berdebat dan Bermusuh
61.Enggan Memberi Kelebihan Air
62.Mengurangkan Timbangan
63.Merasa Aman Dari Kemurkaan Allah S.W.T
64.Putus Asa Dari Rahmat Allah S.W.T
65.Meninggalkan Sembahyang Berjemaah
66.Meninggalkan Sembahyang Jumaat
67.Menguragi Wasiat
69.Mengintip Rahsia dan Membuka Rahsia Orang Lain
70.Mencela Nabi dan Sahabat
Khamis, Jun 19, 2008
cerita ulaq....
melayu panggil ular, english kata snake, hindi panggil naja, yg lain MR E tak tau....alkisahnya lebih kurang pukul 1.35 t/hari tadi. MR E dapat call dr jiran MR E bagitau ada ular dalam kawasan rumah jiran MR E sorang lg. kat rumah tu hanya ada mak mentua dia & 3 orang anaknya saja (bibik dia holiday balik indon). atas semangat kejiranan yg tinggi, MR E terus capai pedang Kendo kat dalam bilik & kain pelikat dan pergi ke rumah tu. rupanya ular tu dah menyorok di celah kotak kat porch. cari punya cari punya cari terkeluarlah makhluk tu dengan mengembangkan kepalanya. nasib baik kecik saja, adalah lebih kurang besar ibu jari kot...dah ajal dia di tangan MR E, nak buat macam mana....
MR E - teringat mendiang steve irwin yg tak pernah bunuh binatang walaupun dia menemui ajal di tangan (?) ikan pari.
LUAHAN HATIKU - aku dah penat buat kerja....
Aku keletihan kerana terlebih kerja... nak tau kenapa? Di bawah ini aku akan tunjukkan kenapa aku mempunyai beban kerja yang lebih dan ianya adalah benar dan bukan rekaan aku :
Populasi penduduk Malaysia sekarang adalah 23 juta orang. 1.7 juta darinya sudah bersara. Jadi tinggal 21.3 juta orang.
1.3 juta pula adalah golongan kanak2 bawah 6 tahun.
Jadi tinggal 20 juta orang..
Dari 20 juta ini, 7 juta masih belajar (tadika, sekolah, kolej, Universiti dll).
Jadi tinggal 13 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.
Dari 13 juta ini, 5 juta orang adalah pekerja kerajaan yang pergi kerja tapi tak buat kerja.
Jadi tinggal 8 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.
Tolak 3 juta orang yang duduk dalam hutan (tentera darat) pasal diorang nie nak kerja macam mana.... tinggal dalam hutan.
Dah tinggal 5 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.....
Dari jumlah itu, tolak 2.7 juta orang yang menganggur dan tak der kerja, surirumah, pekerja yang kena VSS, orang2 tua, fresh university student, kena buang kerja dll).
Tinggallah 2.3 juta orang yang boleh buat kerja.
Dari jumlah ini, sebanyak 1,215,512 orang dilaporkan sakit dan kini berada di dalam hospital di seluruh Malaysia (tak kiralah hospital swasta ke atau hospital kerajaan dan ini termasuklah hospital gila).
Dah tinggal 1,084,488 orang yang boleh buat kerja.....
Sekarang ini mengikut bancian terkini, terdapat 1,084,486 orang di dalam penjara dan Pusat Serenti di seluruh negara..
Jadi dah tinggal 2 orang yang boleh buat kerja...
Dan 2 orang itu adalah engkau dan aku...
Dari dua orang ini... engkau SEKARANG INI masih duduk depan komputer, main internet, main games, reading jokes, membaca email, main chat dan tak buat kerja langsung... jadi tinggallah Aku sorang yang buat kerja dalam Malaysia nie...
Mana aku tak letih!!
Jadi sedarlah skit.... dahhhh..!!! pi buat kerja!!!
P/S : Semua statistik di atas boleh dirujuk kesahihannya di Pusat2 Bancian, Kementerian Kesihatan, Kementerian Pertahanan, Jabatan Tenaga Raya, Kementerian Pelajaran dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.
Takkan nak rujuk itu pun nak kena suruh aku buat jugak...
In Malaysia , the average family income is RM3,000 /month (where father works, mother doesn't). I understand there are many families whose monthly income does not reach RM3,000, but, to make things simple, let's take RM3,000 as the figure. Ok lah, right? Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ....
Calculation starts...
Electricity and water bill: RM100
(No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater ... ok?)
Phone bill ( Telekom):RM100
Meals for a happy family:RM775
(3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons...?)
Papa makan / teh-tarik during working hrs:RM155
(RM5/day, RM5 ... can eat what?)
Car repayment: RM400
(A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)
Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam): RM300
(go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running)
Insurance: RM650
(kids, wife and myself)
House repayment:RM750
(low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs,retired still have to work to pay!)
(got that cheap meh? i don't think so)
Older children pocket money @ school:RM20
(RM1/day, eat bread?)
School fees:RM30
(enough ah?)
School books and etc:RM100
(always got extra to pay in school)
Younger children milk powder:RM50
(cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)
(shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)
Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so...
No Astro,
no movie @ cinema,
no DVD,
no CD,
no online,
cannot KFC,
cannot McDonald,
cannot go Park walk during weekend (petrol expensive),
no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...
Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EH! Shit! RM3,610 already...
EPF belum potong, income tax lagi........oledi RM3,610 ....How to survive lah tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian ??? Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change listyle? The best part, dia orang punya entertainment allowance (ala allowance makan2, pi main golf, pi karaoke) cuma potong 10% je dari berbelas ribu. Allowance lain lagi yang kita tak tahu, like travelling allowance, kolar allowance and etc.
Itu namanya kurang ajar and kepala hotak nenek dia orang. How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study? Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3,000/month!!!
What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh... Sorry ... it should be Malaysians Boleh , because we're still alive and kicking!! Our politicians must be mad!!!! Please forward and comment boleh or tak boleh. No wonder so many Ah Loong around lah....
MR E - pakat-pakat baca dan fahamkan.....
Isnin, Jun 16, 2008
lepas download, print (kalau boleh print colour baru lambang POS MALAYSIA nampak real). isi dan beratur di pejabat pos. tak payah nak berebut-rebut..
1) bila klik link, anda akan dibawa ke laman RAPIDSHARE.
2) klik FREE (sebab anda tak ada PREMIUM ACCOUNT macam MR E).
3) kalau dia mintak password, ikut arahan dia (password semua ada kat situ).
4) tunggu timer abis, lepas tu klik download.
5) kalau dia tanya nak SAVE kat mana SUKAHATI KORANG LA... save kat DESKTOP senang sikit nak cari...
MR E - road tax expired end of march so kena tggu tahun depan baru boleh claim....
Ahad, Jun 15, 2008
Film Review : V For Vendetta.....

In the near future, Britain is ruled by a totalitarian regime, led by the Norsefire party. Evey Hammond, a young woman, is rescued from harassment by state police by a masked vigilante who introduces himself as "V". V then takes Evey to a rooftop location to witness his spectacular destruction of the Old Bailey, accompanied by Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The regime explains the incident to the public as a planned demolition, but this is shown to be a lie when V takes over the state-run British Television Network (BTN) the same day. He broadcasts a message urging the people of Britain to rise up against the oppressive government on November 5 (Guy Fawkes Night); one year from that day, when V says he will destroy the Houses of Parliament.
Evey, who works at the BTN, helps V to escape, but in doing so, puts herself in danger. V saves Evey by bringing her to his lair, where she is told that she must stay in hiding with him for a year. She reluctantly stays for some time, but upon learning that V is killing government officials, she escapes to the home of one of her superiors, Gordon Deitrich, who is also a good friend (and, unlike in the comic, a homosexual who has hidden his true nature for fear of being arrested). However, the state police raid Gordon's home shortly afterwards in response to Gordon satirizing the High Chancellor in his talk show. Evey is captured as she tries to escape. She is incarcerated and tortured for days, including having her head shaved, finding solace only in notes left by another prisoner, Valerie. Evey is eventually told that she will be executed unless she reveals V's whereabouts. An exhausted Evey says she would rather die, and, surprisingly, is then released. V then reveals himself to have been her captor. Though at first angry against him for this torture, Evey comes to realize that having faced her own death, she can now live without fear. She leaves V, promising to return before November 5.
Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Finch, while investigating V's activities, learns how Norsefire came to power, and about V’s origins. Twenty years previously, Britain had suffered from war and terrorism due to their assistance in the War on Terror. The socially-conservative and openly fascist Norsefire party led a reactionary purge to restore order; so-called enemies of the state disappeared during the night. The country was deeply divided over these events until a bioterrorist attack occurred, killing about 100,000 people (80,000 to be exact according to an article Finch is seen reading on his office computer). A pharmaceutical company owned by Norsefire soon discovered a cure to the virus, netting them vast wealth from its distribution. This wealth, combined with the fear generated by the attack, allowed Norsefire to silence all opposition and win the next election by a landslide. With the silent consent of the people, Norsefire turned Britain into a bigoted totalitarian police state, with their leader Adam Sutler as High Chancellor.
However, the attack had actually been engineered by Norsefire as a plot to gain power. The virus - along with its cure - had been engineered through human experimentation on "social deviants" and political dissidents at Larkhill detention centre. Among them was the man who would become V. Although all the other test subjects died from the experiments, he gained heightened mental and physical abilities at the cost of significant physical and mental disfigurement. These abilities enabled V to destroy the centre and escape, vowing to take revenge on Norsefire's regime.
From this revelation, the inspector predicts the chain of coming events. Narrated by him, he explains the brilliance of V's plan. His manipulation, hidden agenda, and finally the shipping out hundreds of thousands of Guy Fawkes masks and cloaks to homes throughout Britain. The sheer number of these masks means anyone wearing one is effectively unidentifiable despite constant video surveillance, enabling people to act anonymously for the first time since Norsefire came to power. One man wears his mask while committing a crime, robbing a store and yelling "Anarchy in the U.K." as he departs; a reference to the Sex Pistols song as well as to the V of the comic book who thought himself more of an anarchist than a freedom fighter. A young girl wears her mask while committing peaceful protest, spray-painting V's symbol over suitable targets such as Norsefire posters, and is eventually shot by one of the secret police. The shooter is then lynched by angry citizens regardless of his badge and gun; a catalyst for further rebellion.
As November the fifth nears, V's various schemes cause chaos in Britain and the population grows more and more intolerant and subversive towards government authority. On the eve of November 5, Evey again visits V, who shows her a subway train that he has filled with explosives in order to destroy Parliament through an explosion in the abandoned London Underground. He delegates the destruction of Parliament to Evey, believing that the ultimate decision was not his to make, but hers. He then leaves to meet Party leader Creedy, who, as part of an earlier agreement, has agreed to bring V the Chancellor in exchange for V's surrender. Creedy kills the Chancellor in front of V, but V does not surrender. He takes a barrage of bullets from a dozen men, and remains standing thanks to a hidden armour plate he is wearing and his super human strength gained from the experiment. He then proceeds to kill Creedy's men before they can reload, then strangles Creedy himself despite being shot six more times - just as he promised. V, mortally wounded in the fight, returns to Evey. He confesses his love to her, thanks her, and then dies. Evey then places his body upon the train with the explosives (in the graphic novel he asked on his deathbed to be placed in the train, as he wanted a viking funeral, but no mention of this request is made in the film).
Evey is about to send the train down the track, when she is discovered by Inspector Finch. However, Finch, having learned much about the corruption of the Norsefire regime, allows Evey to proceed. Meanwhile, thousands of Londoners, all wearing Guy Fawkes masks, march on Parliament to watch the event. Because Creedy and the Chancellor are dead, the military stands down in the face of a civil rebellion. Parliament is destroyed by the explosion. On a nearby rooftop Evey and Finch watch the scene together, and Finch asks who V was. Evey answers by saying that he is all the people of Britain (The camera shows the crowd again as they remove their Guy Fawkes masks and reveal characters from the film, including deceased characters such as the young girl, Gordon, Valerie and Ruth).
Jumaat, Jun 13, 2008
Gambar bahan
Gotong royong lagi

Khamis, Jun 12, 2008

Isnin, Jun 09, 2008
Kerana benci dan geram

Sabtu, Jun 07, 2008
Kongsi Kereta
Kepada rakan-rakan yang belm berkongsi kereta, silalah berbuat demikian.
Ustad A dah 9 tahun berkongsi kereta. Bukan 2 tapi 6 orang dalam sebuah kereta. Dulu hantar bebudak ke rumah pengasuh sekarang dengan bebudak sekali datang sekolah. Dulu Kancil, sekarang Avanza. Kancil dah tak muat.
Lepas ni nak kongsi apa pulak???
Rabu, Jun 04, 2008
"Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied: "The world over -- 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, when I was holding the Trophy Cup I never asked GOD 'Why me?'. And today in pain I should not be asking GOD 'Why me?' "
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrow keeps you Human,
Failure keeps you humble
Success keeps you glowing,
But only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going...
MR E - macam tu lah kalau orang tu sedar tentang kuasa Tuhan...